Bronze Garden Cow And Baby Statue Life Size Custom Art for Sale BOK1-259


Cow Statue Details:


This sculpture describes the garden cow statue and a small cow sculpture. The overall animal sculpture is full of deep love. Moreover, we could see that the overall image of the sculpture is very realistic. In addition, the cows silently look into the distance like their great contribution. Their labor is wordless but fruitful indeed. Without a doubt, this bronze cow sculpture is the most beautiful sight in your garden.




What does a Cow Statue Mean?


People worship the cow and seek her blessings for a prosperous and successful life. Some countries also regard the sacred cow as a symbol of fertility and purity. This is why the cow is often depicted with her cubs. The intuitive image of the cow is majestic and simple, so the cow has many special meanings. In the West, the bull is a symbol of strength and wealth. Cows eat less and contribute a lot, and are considered a symbol of selfless devotion.




Where is the Giant Cow Statue?


Salem Sue is the largest Holstein cow in the world. The artwork is a giant fiberglass sculpture of a Holstein cow in New Salem, North Dakota, USA. And, this cow statue decor was donated by local farmers and residents to commemorate the local dairy farming industry.



Use Chemical Coloring:


Artists at YouFine Factory used chemical coloring to color cow statue metal. This method ensures that the color of the bronze cow statue often becomes more natural. YouFine artists in particular are very good at color grading. Artists then make the cow statue for the yard in various colors according to typical chemical combinations. Also, our artists would satisfy your desired color. Without a doubt, your bronze big cow statue would be a one-of-a-kind piece of art.




Please feel free to contact us for more cow bronze animal sculpture direct factory discounts. YouFine’s sales consultants would provide you with a full range of services.

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