Bronze Statue of Children on Log with Butterflies for Sale BOKK-787


Bronze Statue of Children on Log with Butterflies Detail:


This exquisite bronze statue of children on log with butterflies is the perfect complement to any school, library or even your own backyard. This bronze sculpture depicts three little girls sitting on a tree catching butterflies, recreating the scenes of children playing in childhood. One of the three little girls is holding the net in their hands. The little girl next to them is reaching out to catch butterflies, while the another little girl is watching the butterflies in the net.



Such a beautiful bronze children statue is something that would be enjoyed by many generations to come and would bring a smile to everyone who views it. Therefore, whether this sculpture is placed in a school, garden, square or its own backyard, it would bring back childhood memories. Because it is not only an exquisite sculpture, but also the perfect childhood portrait of all children.




How to Make This Bronze Children Statue?


We use the traditional “lost wax method” to make this beautiful bronze children on log with butterflies sculpture, and all the details of the sculpture are very delicate. You could see that both the facial expressions of children and their movements are very vivid. It is well known that when making bronze sculptures, it is necessary to make a 1: 1 clay model. We have the model of this sculpture, so we could quickly complete the sculpture.




More Designs of Bronze Statues:


Here at You Fine Art Sculpture, in addition to a series of exquisite bronze children sculptures, we also have a range of other bronze sculptures to choose from. For example, bronze military sculpture, famous bronze sculpture, bronze animal sculpture, bronze church sculpture, etc. At the same time, we also accept customized sculptures.



Please feel free to email us, leave a message on our website or call us directly to discuss your specific needs. Whether it is the color, size or design of this bronze statue of children, we could make it according to your needs.

Bronze Children Garden Statuecustom life size bronze statuescustom life size statuesCustom made bronze statues for sale