Creative Unique Outdoor Banana Metal Chair Design

Forged from durable 304/316 stainless steel, the banana sculpture metal bench outdoor has a glossy yellow car paint finish resistant to sun and rain. The curved form is divided into three sections, each with unique shaping that brings whimsy and visual interest. One section is a partially curled flap, the second is a doubly bent flap, and the third is the seat itself. The fragmented appearance adds modern appeal.




Does Not Fade Under Tough Conditions


Despite being outdoors, the rich yellow color of this metal bench outdoor will not fade thanks to a clear automotive-grade varnish. Our specialized factory finishing ensures the sculpture maintains its vibrant hue for years of enjoyment. The clear coat also provides protection from the elements.




Can Be Placed Anywhere


Whether placed in a garden, office park, or shopping centre courtyard, this charming banana chair is sure to draw smiles. The conversation-starting sculpture provides a moment of surprise and delight for passers-by. In a garden, children will be thrilled by the oversized banana bringing imagination to life. For a shopping centre or office building, it offers visitors a welcoming spot to take a break. After resting on the comfortable seat, they can continue refreshed and in an upbeat mood.





Craftsmanship You Can Trust


Our skilled metal artisans have decades of experience sculpting stainless steel into imaginative designs. This banana chair sculpture highlights their talent for blending art and function. Each curve and detail has been thoughtfully shaped by hand.


The durable steel can support up to 200 kg, providing stable and comfortable seating. All our sculptures undergo rigorous quality testing to ensure long-lasting enjoyment.




Customization Available


While we love this sunny yellow and fragmented banana design, we can customize the sculpture to match your vision. Looking for a more realistic solid banana in green? Need a smaller size to fit a patio? Interested in adding your company logo? Our team can tailor the materials, colors, and sizing.




Though specialized, each sculpture from our factory starts as a collaboration. Together we’ll create a unique statement piece that transforms your outdoor space.






Durable, imaginative and thoughtfully crafted, this banana chair sculpture promises to be a beloved addition to any outdoor setting. Let us know how we can customize this innovative seating design to match your vision! We’ll handle the rest, delivering a low-maintenance work of art you and your guests will appreciate for years.