Famous Marble Archangel Statue Catholic Saint Sculpture Design Replica for Sale CHS-744

St. Michael the Archangel is one of seven archangels and the prince of the angelic armies of heaven.One of the most popular ways of showing devotion to this powerful warrior is with Famous Marble Archangel Statue.



There are several different types of marble and marble combinations used by sculptors when creating their masterpieces. A lot of today’s marble statues are not created with the same methods that the original artists employed.



This Famous Marble Archangel Statue will bring beauty and serenity to your garden.Angels watch over us, protecting us and guiding us on our path. Although unseen, their presence is felt and brings us comfort when we most need it.



We are specialized by producing East and West marble sculptures, marble animal sculptures, abstract sculptures, bust sculptures etc. We are good at producing Greek/Roman sculptures and religious sculptures. All sizes, colors and styles can be customized as conditions.



In the New Testament St. Michael the Archangel leads God’s army against Satan’s forces. During the war in heaven he defeats Satan, thus he is often depicted crushing Satan’s head with his foot. He is patron saint of the Catholic Church along with many other causes.



Our long-standing relationships with many of the world’s finest manufacturers of religious statues ensures we can offer high-quality pieces at affordable prices.


For questions or help ordering about Famous Marble Archangel Statue, please call us at 86-177-72520-029.



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