How To Clean and Maintain Your Outdoor Stainless Steel Sculptures?


Your beautiful outdoor stainless steel sculptures need to be cleaned after being left outdoors for a long time. So do you know how to clean and maintain stainless steel sculptures? Then You Fine would provide you with some effective ways to clean stainless steel sculptures.




Why Is Stainless Steel Sculpture So Popular?


Stainless steel sculpture is a new form of sculpture based on the traditional marble sculpture. It is unique, bright, realistic, not easy to pollute, and very much in line with today’s urban life. And metal sculptures are gradually being loved and accepted by artists and people.




How To Clean Stainless Steel Sculptures?


First, it is important to note that you need to wear gloves when cleaning the stainless steel sculpture. This is to avoid surface corrosion damage from sweat contact with the sculpture during the cleaning process. Second, apply a mild detergent evenly to the surface of the stainless steel sculpture and then slowly scrub the exterior of the stainless steel sculpture with a dry towel. Note that you need to use a towel that does not produce lint.



If the stainless steel sculpture is too large for manual cleaning, and manual cleaning is very difficult and slow. In this case, you could simply use a manual spray gun. When clean, use a dry towel to dry the sculpture surface. Do not apply too much pressure during the cleaning process. Otherwise, the dry towel would clash with the appearance of the stainless steel sculpture, ruining its smooth appearance.




The Introduction of You Fine:


You Fine Art Sculpture is a manufacturer specializing in making and developing outdoor stainless steel sculptures, and are exported all over the world all year round. You Fine could provide you with high-quality stainless steel sculpture designs at competitive prices. If you are interested in our sculptures, please feel free to contact us for the sculpture design you want.



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