Outdoor Famous Life Size Catholic White Marble Jesus Kneeling in Prayer for Sale

This pristine marble sculpture captures Jesus kneeling in earnest prayer. Every minute detail carving of the fine Italian marble epitomizes Jesus’ profound piety and unconditional love for his disciples and believers. This statue exudes holiness from the expression of humility on his gently bowed head to his clasped hands resting on his bent knee.





Details Show:


Jesus’ flowing robe drapes over his kneeling form, the fabric looking so realistically carved that it appears as if it would feel soft and lightweight to the touch. Tiny folds in the robe gather at Jesus’ bent knees as he kneels on the smooth marble base. Lovingly sculpted strands of wavy hair frame his bowed face, which bears a look of serene focus as he intently communes with God. His hands clasp together, fingers delicately interlaced in devoted supplication.




Purely Hand-Carved by Top Artists:


This stirring marble sculpture was painstakingly hand-carved by our studio’s most gifted and dedicated Catholic artists. We source only the finest quality natural marble to ensure the purity and nobility befitting a sculpture of Jesus. Every chisel mark and polished curve reflects the skill and spiritual devotion embedded in this fine artwork. The natural swirling patterns and pristine white color of the marble lend an aura of divinity to this masterfully carved representation of Jesus kneeling humbly in prayerful worship before his Heavenly Father. Let this breathtaking marble sculpture instill spiritual comfort and inspiration in your home or church.




Some Question About the Jesus Kneel in Prayer


Why did Jesus kneel in prayer?


The only time Jesus is shown kneeling in prayer is in the garden of Gethsemane. What is the significance of this posture?

Jesus’ posture in prayer is an indication of his submission to the Father’s will. Kneeling is a sign of submission to authority. Men knee to acknowledge another’s authority over us.




Kneeling to pray – What is the significance?


Kneeling to pray has been practiced for centuries. Some of the questions that we may have in our minds about prayerful positions may be:
How kneeling to pray began?
Is kneeling required by God?
Can kneeling be found in the Bible?
Did Jesus ever kneel to pray?
One thought about the origin of kneeling to pray comes from the practice of kneeling before a king in petition for a request. This tradition was a symbol of humbleness and honor when coming before a king or ruler. In recognition and honor to God, it may have been the appropriate position to come before Him.




What Is Present When Kneeling to Pray in Jesus’ Name

Here’s what is present when we kneel to pray in Jesus’ name:

1. God the Father on his throne sovereign over the universe, with a welcoming, countenance focused on us.

2. God the Son in his high priestly role, standing as advocate before the throne as a Lamb that was slain with perfect righteousness and with all God’s promises purchased fully in his hand interceding for us.

3. God the Spirit within us, having already inclined us to pray, poised to guide our prayers, put to death our sins, awaken our faith, illumine God’s word, and produce his fruit.

4. The word of God open before us, inspired by God, alive with penetrating power for conviction of sin and indomitable hope, revealing the Father, the Son, and the Spirit to our souls, shaping and guiding our prayers after God’s will.

5. Our sin forgiven, but humbling us to need and love our merciful saving God.

6. God’s grace like a great rainbow of hope arcing from the throne to our soul.

7. Our will captured by these realities, moving words (or only groans) up out of our mind (or only heart) to God with praise and thanks and confession and requests.

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