Hand Carved Religious White Marble Our Lady of Grace Statue CHS-766

Marble Our Lady of Grace Statue Detail:


Our Virgin Mary is our Lady of Grace. She stands there, in the front, as she always does. She lowered her head, stretched out her hands, and prayed for us. Her expression is always so beautiful and kindness. Our professional marble craftsmen could engrave her so detailed and vivid image. Our Lady of Grace statue is a good choice whether it is placed indoors for church or placed in an outdoor for garden decoration.



Do you know what is the origin of the name of “Our Lady of Grace”?


In general, the term “Our Lady of Grace” originated in the Middle Ages and is especially famous in France, often associated with the Marian Sanctuary of Cambrai, France. However, the origin of this title is much older. They originated in the Bible, and Mary is called “kecharitomene”: the fully-graced one, the all-graced one (Lk 1:28). The Eastern tradition is called Mary Panhagia (the all-holy one).



The first meaning of “Our Lady of Grace” is her own holiness. But in the very early days, Mary was summoned to be the only blessed one and the mother of kindness. She is also the one who prays for us with God to obtain his grace.



As we all know the role of Our Lady of Grace in church life always makes us closer to her son Jesus. She has won many different titles, but all of this points to how she can bring us back to her son’s arms in her many roles, a warm embrace of His love and comfort, and a friendship to God’s grace. As we grow up towards Mary, we grow too in our experience of divine grace.



So have you learned the meaning of Mary and Our Lady of Grace? At You Fine Art Sculpture, we could make a series of Our Lady of Grace marble sculptures to provide our customers with choices. Whether you want a life size sculpture or a larger size sculpture, we all could make it for you.

our lady of grace statuevirgin mary statue for gardenVirgin Mary Statue Outdoor